NRI Financial Adviser

Stock Options

Equity compensation plans are a popular method of attracting, motivating and retaining employees.

Equity compensation can be complex. RSUs, ISOs, ESPP, NQSO, 83(b) elections, 10b5-1 plans. Each of these items have their own wealth and tax implications. Your time is best spent focused on your job, growing your business and enjoying your personal life. 

NRI Wealth Management regularly works with employees & executives who have RSUs, ESPP, ISOs, NQSOs. Through our ongoing advisory relationship, we can help you make a plan to exercise and diversify stock. If your employer is planning to go public, merging, or getting bought out, work with an advisor experienced with strategic stock option planning and the tax implications. Get professional services on stock option California to maintain flawless equity management

If you’re expecting sudden wealth from a liquidity event or IPO, we’ll work to help you develop a strategy to make the most of the windfall.

stock options trading
stock options flow chart

Financial Advisor for Employee Stock Options California

Especially meant for founders and early employees, stock options california can create a major liquidity event that transforms your financial life forever. To maximize the opportunity, it’s critical to get the right advisor in place before making irreversible decisions with your stock and appropriate options.

We can help with:

• Cash flow management
• Exercising strategies
• Recalculating cost basis after stock splits
• Understanding grants and vesting schedules
• Calculating the AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) and planning for that big expense Finding missed tax credits on old tax returns (we once found $50,000)
• Understanding Qualified Small Business Stock (Section 1202) to pay ZERO tax on some capital gains
• Planning for a multi-year exercise and sale strategy · Navigating a liquidity event
• Preparing for an IPO
• Diversifying out of a concentrated position
• Structuring a “least-regret” sale vs. hold strategy
• Preparing your tax return and more!
stock options taxed in California